Saturday - June 15th - 9:00am



by order of U S Bankruptcy Court

Goodman Auto Repair Liquidation

SATURDAY          JUNE 15TH          9:00AM

(on the east side of Blackstone between Sierra & Herndon)

Several 6000 lb & 9000 lb 2 post auto lifts, Hunter Frame alignment Rack, 6 lg Shop coolers, Several metal shop tables, Floor jacks, Transmission lift jacks, oil drain cans, engine cherry pickers, Lg. recoil air hoses, Dyno smog machine, 3 or 4 lg. vertical shop air compressors, engine stands, Gas Caddy, Yard vac, Parts shelf ladder steps, Amnco Brake facing tools, Stacks of yard chairs, office and breakroom items, 2 Stainless Heavy Duty shelves, several shop fans on stands, ASM Emission analyzer, Smog Tamer, Snap On Chargers, Hydraulic bumper lift, Floor safe, Strut Compressor, Bosch VCX100 coolant recovery system, 20 ton shp presses, Parts washers, oak showcase, Pressure washer,  3 or 4 engines, several shop stools, Like new Napa Upright vertical air compressor, piles of scrap and misc wire harnesses etc, Shelves of oil & filters, office furniture and more. 

Preview and Inspections begin at 12 noon Friday 6/14 til 6:00pm.

For Info contact 559-456-8084

To see the pics for this auction, Pleas click the link below: